Seeking Joy in Life’s Daily (Often Overlooked) Treasure“If you want to feel rich, just count all the gifts you have that don't cost money.”
Proverb I am so thankful for the gifts of my life, that are free and unfettered. Good health, stable home life, love that abounds, pets that adore, country living, wondrous nature, my own creativity, the ability to give and receive, sparkling night skies and waters, the overall magic and wonder and mystery of life that is always visible when I open my spiritual eyes to see. I am in deep gratitude for the lavish riches of life! If you want to feel more abundance, if you want to feel more prosperous even if you don't have much money, take time to savor all the things in your life that don't cost anything. Feeling grateful is the antidote to feelings of lack, because we are focusing on what is there, what we have, rather than what we don't. We can take stock of many, many things that are abundant in life when feeling scarcity and immediately feel better. Below is a list of 50 things I am grateful for that don't cost a dime. Join me and make the list longer! 1. Waking up to a new dawn each morning with brand new possibilities 2. A friend who loves me unconditionally 3. Loving and accepting someone unconditionally 4. Taking a walk in nature 5. Sunflowers brightly blooming in the summertime 6. A profusion of Golden Delicious apples on a tree in our yard 7. The beauty of reflections in water 8. A newborn infant's eyes 9. The devoted, unfailing love of a dog or cat 10 Inspired Ways to Quickly Regain Joy and PeaceWhenever I nosedive into feeling worried or harried or completely stressed out, I have a surefire method to counteract these undesirable feelings. It works every time! It can be hard to start – I might tell myself I don’t have enough time, or it won’t work, but those are just feeble excuses. When I actually sit down to begin, this practice I’m about to share always helps my mood improve and become more positive. Scientific studies 1 have proven, without a doubt, that if we start focusing on what is right, what feels good to us, what there is to be grateful for, we can and will shift into more happiness, peace, joy and even better health!
I know it sounds almost too good to be true, but it has worked for me over and over again, and in this article, I will share some of my own Top Ten list. And I invite you to try it too. I call this tool My Grand List of Gratitude. Start a huge list of everything and everyone you are grateful for. I find that I can never run out of things to add – this list can be endless, and even ongoing. |
AuthorDeborah Perdue Archives
February 2025
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