Great gratitude for all the mystery of life. The unseen, the magic, the lavish abundance and creativity of Spirit!
I am deeply appreciative of the unseen in life, which truly makes up so much of this world, and the worlds upon worlds upon worlds that stretch into infinity. As I watch the new and wonderful TV series “Cosmos,” I am amazed to see worlds I never knew existed – there is a tiny universe in each cell! Within each cell, there are workers with a job to do, just like construction workers or worker ants or bees. And there are those minute particles and waves dancing, then disappearing, dancing, then disappearing, again part of the unseen pulse of life. And in larger realms, we find the exploding stars in space, the nebula, the planets nearby which perhaps once sustained life or do still sustain life that is not visible to humans. And in deep space mysteries abound past anything we can see or imagine. Worlds upon worlds, microcosms and macrocosms, worlds in dimensions we can’t see or touch, can only feel at times as we suspend disbelief and let the veil be lifted — to reveal energy and love and cosmic light beyond what our senses can define or understand. Truly life is a grand and wondrous mystery! And then there is the unseen on earth and in our hearts such as deep peace, well-being, connection, intuition, love, harmony, companionship, gratitude, compassion and telepathic communication to name just a few of the invisible forces that sustain us on deep levels. I believed in magic when young – I read so many books about magic and I was enthralled with this idea only to be informed by my parents and teachers and the “real world” that magic didn’t really exist. Yet, now I know it does in vaster ways than I ever could have imagined. Magic IS real and is alive throughout the universe! Life itself IS magic and deeply mysterious and so very grand, it is hard to even fathom. For this, I am deeply grateful. And I thank the new series “Cosmos” for showing me even more of the magic and wonder of the multiverse that we and our world are such pinpoints in. I hope that in my lifetime we are introduced to other beings in this vast multiverse, and I believe we will be.
AuthorDeborah Perdue Archives
February 2025
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